Yun Wei

Yun Wei
Since we can't take all of you with us...we are sharing our journey through this blog:)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Chloe's Take on It

Chloe decided to write this blog------

China has been a great experience. And Yun Wei has been an even bigger one. He averages at least two outbursts a day. These include ignoring, crying, and silence. Sometimes I can't help but laughing a little. I never knew a kid who laughed so much could get so angry! But when he decides to be happy, he really is happy!

The Chinese food has been all right. I don't love it, but I can eat it. Tonight we
ate the worst Chinese food. We had goose, tofu, noodles, fried rice, ribs, broccoli, and pineapple buns. Yun Wei had a fit tonight. He was perfectly happy until I spilled some of his drink. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. Sarah(our guide) asked him why he was upset. She offered to let him move his seat so the drink wouldn't bother him. Nothing. He just sat there-motionless and crying angry tears. Over a spill!!!! He is fine and laughing now but when he pouts-he pouts.

But we have lots of fun too. I was playing with our translator today. I had written so many things I didn't know what to say. I looked at Yun Wei's socks. Then I typed in "Your feet are stinky". When the translator said it, he burst out laughing! At some point tonight Yun Wei pushed the assistance button in the bathroom. Security came and busted him!

We met a family that has four adopted girls-they are 13, 13, 12, and 9 I think. I have had lots of fun with them. There is also a baby and she is really cute.

We have had to keep Yun Wei in our prayers and be really patient with him. He is having a rough time.

1 comment:

  1. Chloe,

    We are so proud of you!!! You are doing an amazing job! It is a tough one. Some days I still remind Lauren and AC of how proud I am of them for all they did to help the adjustment. It just would not be the same without your help and encouragement. I know your parents will be forever thankful too.

    AC was cracking up about the translator comment. She said that you loved doing the same thing with ours. And she has asked just about every day when she will be able to go to Tenn. now.

    The fits will be fewer with every day that passes. Try not to take it so seriously and know that he will be just fine before to long. Just keep loving him and extending Grace. I know you will be great at that.

    We love you all and look forward to hearing more about your China story. Sure wish we could get our Skype schedule coordinated. :P

    Mrs. Christy
